Wiebo has been involved with microcomputers since the early 80’s explosion. Primarily a Commodore kid, he is still engaged with 8 bits at a time.
His other retro computer/programming and gaming blog can be found here: https://devdef.blogspot.com/ while his github repos are here: https://github.com/wiebow
Apart from “working” with retrocomputers, he likes to program on PC as well, primarily in Godot Engine where he has made remakes of his old 8-bit favourite games, like Thrust, Choplifter and Scramble. These can be downloaded on https://wiebow.itch.io/
His other claim to internet fame is being the creator of some of the most populair Quake 3 Arena (and Live) maps ever: Overkill and No Class: https://www.lvlworld.com/author/Wiebo%20de%20Wit
He can be reached through comments on this blog, on the Mega65 discord server or on Mastodon: http://oldbytes.space/@wiebow